Our Chicago 3 day budget trip ?
Chicago North America USA
We don’t have plan for the day, so we don’t need to wake up early. Just eat breakfast and pack our bags and checked out. Our flight is not until 7:30 pm. So we left our bags at the hostel.
Chicago North America USA
We woke up early, and we we’re at The Bean around 6:30 am. But some tourist beat us and were there early as we are,?. There’s a kind photographer(woman), that offer us to take a pic of our jump shot ?
Chicago North America USA
We decided to visit Chicago for weekend, cause there’s a promo return flight in porter to Toronto. But we booked our departure tickets from Greyhound. Toronto to Chicago that will take 12 hours.
Blue Mountain Canada North America Ontario
Snowboarding is on my bucket list, and now I will be able to cross that in my list ? We plan to go to Mount St. Louis mountain, but when we called, there’s no pants that we can rent, so we just opted to go to Blue Mountain.
My 2 weeks solo backpacking around Europe. Europe was/is one of my dream place to travel, but I don’t want to spend too much money for it (budget traveler, LOL) I told myself, I will try to spend C$2000…maximum will be C$2500.
Amsterdam Europe Netherlands
I was at Barcelona airport, by past 9:00 am and thought I will be late, since there’s no check in online. So I checked-in in the counter for my boarding pass.