One Day in Bryce Canyon National Park
We drove from Sedona to Utah. The problem is, we didn’t check the weather and guess what, we got hit with snow storm. It was the scariest thing for me. We just rented a car and it doesn’t have winter tires, so there was one or twice we slipped out of the road. We tried to get to our hotel, and it was uphill, you can’t even see anything. We got stuck at some point because they haven’t plowed the road. We’re lucky some people helped us to get out of it, ’cause I don’t know what would have happen to us overnight with no food and under half of gas left, cause our car won’t be able to make it. So we went back but still the downhill was no different. Since the snow storm was just getting worst. After some time, we made it to Kanab and stay to the first hotel we saw. So much for adventure 😱.

The next day we went to Kanab for the Best Friends Animal Society. Then in the afternoon, since the weather is nice, we went to our hotel, where the ski popular resorts are
We made it to Bryce Canyon National Park, which is an hour from our hotel. The Entrance Fee is $35 for private vehicle. Click here for more info on Fees.
There’s Shuttle Bus in the National Park. But I guess since we went there during winter season, there’s not much visitors so the parking is easy. Here’s the info for shuttle bus and parking.
Bryce Amphitheater Area

Southern Scenic Drive